Learning about irises and future plans


On Friday, May 17, our garden club enjoyed not only an interesting presentation on irises by Debbie Cannarelli, but a delicious progressive lunch. 

First, we met at Bay Gardens, in East Moriches, for our appetizers, and learned that irises are perennial plants.  They grow from bulbs or rhizomes, which are horizontal stems with creeping roots. 

Iris is a Greek word for rainbow, and the goddess of the rainbow is named Iris. There are different species found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere, from Europe to Asia and across North America.  The iris has been painted by artists, especially Vincent van Gogh, because of its shape, color and beauty. 

The purple iris is the state flower of Tennessee, and the iris is the universal symbol for scouting. 

After the iris presentation and delicious appetizers brought to Bay Gardens by some of our members, we headed to Debbie’s home in Center Moriches.  We enjoyed our lunch and Debbie’s beautiful yard.

After lunch, we headed to Patriots’ Preserve on William Floyd Parkway, in Shirley.  It was the first time many of our members had been there. 

We were treated to a variety of desserts brought by many of our members.  Some members sat at the covered picnic tables while they ate dessert; others took a walk on one of the paved paths.  It was a lovely afternoon and a great meeting. 

On Memorial Day, the Moriches Bay Garden Club was represented by several members in the Memorial Day parade in Center Moriches.  Many organizations gathered and marched in the parade in memory of our deceased veterans.

Our next meeting was on Thursday, June 20 at the Southampton Library.  We enjoyed the beautiful rose garden that is maintained by the Southampton Rose Society on the grounds of the library.

Recently, several new members have joined our club.  All are welcome.  Why not come to a meeting and check it out? 

In July, we are going to the Peconic Herb Farm; August is our Flower Show; and September is our 50th anniversary tea/Chinese auction at Camp Pa-Qua-Tuck. 

Watch for more information in future articles.

Happy gardening!


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